Sam DiNicola Digital

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How to Use Fear to Achieve your Goals

Let’s talk about fear. Fear is probably the #1 reason why people with great ideas never actually start their businesses, and why many businesses don’t ever succeed. Fear isn’t bad. In fact, fear is a great way to improve your plans for accomplishing your goals. Fear is based on survival and helps us increase our chances of living. 

You may be thinking ummmm no, the reason I haven’t started my business yet isn’t because I’m scared, it’s because I just don’t have time. But let’s take a second to look at that reason more closely…

You say you don’t have time, right? But why can’t you create more time and space in your life by eliminating other commitments?

I could save a lot of commuting time by working from home but my boss would never let me do that. Are you sure? Have you proposed an alternative work schedule backed by stats and reasons why it would actually make you a better employee? 

Well no, because I’m scared my boss will get pissed. 

But why does that matter? If you’re an asset to the company, would there really be repercussions if you just asked beyond them saying no?

That’s just one example of how most of the reasons for NOT pursuing your dreams are ultimately based on fear. Once you know that, you can start to ask yourself “what’s the real reason I’m not working towards this goal?” and figure out what’s ultimately causing that fear. 

Recognizing and acknowledging fear is the first step to overcoming it. 

Why can’t we use fear to increase our chances of THRIVING? Think of one thing that you want to do that scares you shitless. Now, write out all of the things that could go wrong, all of the things that scare you and have kept you from doing that thing. 

Next, think about what you would do if each of those things actually did happen. What would you do if you really did lose your job or burn through your savings or made everyone in your life think you were reckless? What would you do to right the ship and get back to a reasonably safe, secure, and happy life? 

What you’ll probably find is that you could fix all of those disasters, and you could probably fix them fairly quickly or easily. 

Now, think about all of the amazing things that COULD happen if you did that thing. All the ways your life could change for the better. Does that fear feel a little bit smaller? A little bit lighter? Not as scary? 

It’s normal to be afraid, but what separates people who have created lives they love from everyone else is that they can recognize their fears, plan for them, and move ahead ANYWAY. They don’t let fear control their decisions and neither should you! Don’t let fear keep you from creating the life of your dreams.

How many times have you bought an online course only to get through half the content or never even start it in the first place? How many times have you bought a diet program and never followed through to get to your goal weight?

I’m guilty on both counts.

It wasn’t until I made the conscious decision to invest my focus and energy, just as much as my money, into my life and business that I started seeing the results I wanted. It wasn’t until I knew I had to go all in on myself and my business that I was able to grow my 50k per year business into 200k per year. 

People who are afraid to invest in themselves or in their business often have one thing in common, even if they don’t realize it. They are afraid they won’t show up for themselves. They might think they’re not ready because they don’t have the cash on hand or they haven’t hit a certain income or number of clients yet. 

But, that really means they’re not confident that they’ll SHOW UP and do whatever it takes to make that investment worth it.

You’re scared to invest because you don’t know if you’ll see a return on your investment in YOURSELF. You don’t know if you will put in the energy and focus to GUARANTEE success.  If you’re ready to start SHOWING UP for yourself. If you’re ready to be confident that when you invest in something you are going to see the RESULTS, I can help you. But, if you’re not ready to let go of fear and excuses and make a commitment to yourself, whatever that is, no course, group, or coach is going to be able to get you the results you want.

Ready to start showing up for yourself? Book a discovery call to chat.

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