Sam DiNicola Digital

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How to Use This Time as an Opportunity

I know a lot of people are feeling uncertain right now. Uncertain about what’s going to happen with your 9-5 job. Uncertain how you can still get sales for your business. Uncertain about the future in general. 

If you're feeling overwhelmed and like you just need to rest DO THAT. If you're feeling cooped up or energized about your business, that's great! The main thing to remember is that this is a freaky time for everyone, and you need to give your body what it's craving. 

I also encourage you to reframe how you're thinking about this situation. Yes, it's weird and yes, you have to make changes in your life and your business during this time. BUT that doesn't mean all of those changes need to have a negative impact. 

Now is the perfect time to focus on your strategy. Having a strategy that you KNOW works, one that you can count on to get sales, makes the difference between uncertainty and confidence that your business can survive this. 


  • I have a free Get More Leads challenge that walks you through 5 different lead generation strategies you can implement into your business RIGHT NOW to get more sales. You can register for the challenge here.

  • I'll also be sharing a ton of great, free content on social media in the coming weeks so be sure to follow me.

The point is, this is the reality we are all currently living in, so try to reframe negative thoughts into thinking about this as a challenge and opportunity and take advantage of all the support people are offering!


  • Develop and start executing a lead generation strategy.

  • Create free AND valuable content for your audience, everyone is spending more time online right now.

  • Re-purpose content into low price offerings, that could be a worksheet, guide, mini-course, etc.

  • Connect with other entrepreneurs and small businesses, everyone is sharing resources and knowledge right now, it’s a great time to build relationships.

  • Build relationships with your ideal customers online, what do they need help with right now? How can you serve them? This is a great time to do some market research.

  • Don’t feel like you can’t sell during this time. People are feeling uncertain about what to do, how to spend their time, and how this will affect their lives. Those people need your knowledge and expertise during this time.

  • Catch-up on all those “someday” projects, if you have the time, tackle the items on your to-do list that never seem to get done.

Again, do what you feel you are able to during this time. If you just need to take a break, DO THAT. Just try to be mindful about how you’re spending your time and intentional about what you want to get from this experience. Intention setting helps you stay positive and purposeful.

I also want to share some great free resources I’ve come across. If you are choosing to focus on your business during this time, take a look at any of the below options.


  • My free Get More Leads challenge all about implementing proven lead generation strategies into your business. Sign up here.

  • A 5-Day Instagram Challenge to help you improve your Instagram and up your engagement in just 5 steps. Sign up here.

  • If you’re thinking about starting or already have a Virtual Assistant business, Sara Wiles has an entire Instagram Story Highlight dedicated to how COVID-19 could actually mean a lot more business for you. Check them out on her profile.

  • Get a free strategy workbook all about getting your shit together in your business. Download it here.

I hope all of this has helped! If you need help figuring out how to reframe this situation and make sure your business is pandemic-proof, book a discovery call with me here.

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