Pinterest Profile Changes That Will Make A Big Difference

Pinterest Profile Changes That Will Make A Big Difference

You may have heard that Pinterest can be a major driver of web traffic. You may have also noticed (if you follow me) that I've been working on upping my Pinterest game lately. I wanted to share a few ways you can make your Pinterest account really work FOR you and your business, so I brought in an expert! Kayla of Kayla's Five Things works with bloggers to supercharge their Pinterest accounts to kick their website traffic into high gear. She has had clients double, triple, and even quadruple their web traffic in a matter of a couple of months, all thanks to Pinterest and most see progress within a couple of days of working with her. She's also recently launched an online course that shows you her formula for improving your Pinterest to increase your web traffic.

Without further ado, here are Kayla's Pinterest profile changes that will make the biggest difference for your profile:

Make it a legit, business account.

This is the only thing that’s not necessarily visible on your profile, but it’s integral to your ability to succeed on Pinterest. First of all, there are two options: personal or business, and if you already have an old account with some traction that you used to pin, let’s say puppies and to plan your wedding, you can definitely just keep that account instead of starting over. Just make the irrelevant boards “secret,” and make sure you change your profile and account to reflect that it is now a business tool. There are three things you need to do if you will be pinning content from your website.

The first step is converting to a business account Not only does that allow you the opportunity to purchase promoted pins, but you have access to great in-platform analytics. These allow you to see what pins are actually resulting in clicks to your website (the one metric that matters the most) and whether or not your current Pinterest strategy is resonating with your audience. If not, it’s super easy to try again and again until you see the booming traffic you were looking for!Here are the other two other steps you need to take to make your profile legit:

5 Pinterest Profile Changes That Will Make A Big Difference

5 Pinterest Profile Changes That Will Make A Big Difference

Make default image consistent with other platforms.

When building brand awareness, it’s important that your visuals are consistent. You want your audience to begin to recognize your brand and connect that with valuable information or services. You image in Pinterest should be the same one used on every social channel and should be visible on your website. For some companies, this image is a personal one, for others it’s their logo. Whatever image it is, just carry it over to Pinterest and make sure it’s easily readable/visible in their small profile photo space. Pinterest profile image size: 165 X 165 pixels.

Add descriptive words to your name.

When you’re a small to medium-sized business, having just your company name in your profile is virtually pointless. You’re not likely to get people to search your brand and are lowering your chances of being found through Pinterest’s search bar. Instead, you should keep your brand or company name and follow it with 2-3 descriptive words. That way, if people are actively searching for “graphic designers,” for example, they’ll come across you. See these examples: Jennifer Brown | Graphic Designer, Kayla’s Five Things | Lifestyle Blogger, and Anthropologie | Women’s Clothing Store.

Optimize your bio to capture leads.

The only negative of Pinterest (because I really really love the platform) is that it gives you very little room to explain about your company or to try to capture leads that come across your profile. That’s why you need to make the most out of the 160 characters it does give you. Your bio should be very to-the-point. Here are some things you could include:

  • 1 sentence elevator pitch of what your company is (if descriptive words in your name aren’t enough- if they are, leave this out)

  • Who would benefit from your company or service (aka target audience/clients)

  • What they’re going to get from your site

  • A link to where they can connect with you further (convert them to an email subscriber)

As we all know, it’s hard to obtain subscribers without offering something tempting in exchange, so dangle a freebie lead magnet right there in your bio! That way you’re using your limited space to get them on your list where you have more room to connect and sell.Here are some great bios from around Pinterest:

  • Ruffled Blog:“Sharing daily wedding inspiration, entertaining tips from the pros, party style and DIY projects. Follow us on Instagram @ruffledblog for more”

  • Zaful: “Trendy fashion style at — Swimwear, Dresses, Tops and so on. Free shipping on orders over $30. Extra 10% OFF Code:ZF2017”

Once you make these small alterations, you’ll already be lightyears ahead of most businesses on Pinterest, so pat yourself on the back!If you’re interested in learning more about optimizing Pinterest for your business, please check out my “Pinterest for Bloggers” course. I love to teach business owners how to utilize the platform to get clients, make sales and grow their website traffic! You do not have to be a blogger to benefit from the course, so, if you would like to see if you’d be a good fit before you purchase, please feel free to email me at  

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